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19th Prestwich Scouts

The official website of the 19th Prestwich Scout Group, including information about us, photos of our adventures, information for members and leaders, and details on upcoming events, camps, fundraisers, trips and more...

S.E.L.C. Theatre Company

Created as part of Bucket's Unit 1 project for Performing Arts, designed to promote the theatre company and advertise upcoming productions (Bucket being 'Marketing Designer').

Other recommended sites:


  • little man computer

Bucket Skills

Contains video lessons, mini skill tutorials and useful links and documents for Scouts completing badgework. Some badges have their own designated courses. In addition, this is Bucket's own website and therefore also includes extra resources, such as pages on activities and school subjects!

Websites designed + created by Bucket

All websites have been created by Bucket (with help from Reubanio & Sally on 19th Prestwich), using a WYSIWYG Web Editor - what you see is what you get, uses a Graphical User Interface (WIMP) as opposed to command line.

- Charlie Backhouse, 2020

19th Prestwich St.A'R Scouts.png



Want to get techy?

Designed on a WYSIWYG Web Editor - What You See Is What You Get, allows you to see what your site will look like before publishing, follows the GUI (Graphical User Interface - WIMP {Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer} - opposite to command line).

~ Charlie T. Backhouse, 2020

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