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I'm a title.

I'm a title.

I'm a title.



Welcome to Bucket Skills...

Bucket Skills is a website designed for Scouts of the 19th Prestwich Scout Group to explore and develop new skills, and encourage and support badgework. Each Scout has their own page, which is a portfolio for their badgework, and have been given access to the Member's Area, which is a collection of video tutorials and useful web links to explain the requirements of the troop-focus badge and assist them in completing it.

Explore the site and see what features have recently been created. The Hub is a central point for sharing ideas and plans for badges, games, camps, trips and meetings. Instructions for usage with regards to the scout pages and members area can be found under 'Scout Skills'. The menu will support you in navigating the site.

- Charlie  |  Bucket


Scouts of the 19th Prestwich Group completing badgework, sharing ideas for games and trips, planning camps!


This is for your badgework. Please use the Member's Area and watch the videos that have been uploaded about the badges we are currently focusing on. Each Lesson Video walks through one stage / requirement of the badge, and at the end there is a task to do. Sub-lessons and other tutorials are additional support with more specific topics and concepts that are involved in the course. Watch the videos that are relevant to the part of the badge you are working on and/or need support, guidance or inspiration with. Once you have completed your work, which you can do on either paper or a word document / slideshow, upload it to your individual scout page, titled with your nickname (as a photo, screenshot or document).

Skills for a lifetime of adventure...

Packed full of useful, interesting and inspiring resources, Bucket Skills is designed to aid Scouts aiming to complete Activity Badges, Staged Activity Badges and Challenge Awards as set by the Scout Association, and additional challenges and tasks that the troop has decided to focus on to develop key skills and learning opportunities.

Here are some quick links:

External resources:

19th Prestwich St.A'R Scouts.png



Want to get techy?

Designed on a WYSIWYG Web Editor - What You See Is What You Get, allows you to see what your site will look like before publishing, follows the GUI (Graphical User Interface - WIMP {Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer} - opposite to command line).

~ Charlie T. Backhouse, 2020

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