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Procedure, rules and regulations for the use of this website, and how to enhance your experience of it.


- Each Scout has their own page on this website.

- This is their portfolio of badgework, to upload all work completed towards a badge onto.

- The Scouts may design it however they like, as long as they follow the below rules.

- Every Monday, all work completed and all changes saved up to that date will be published.

- In our weekly meetings, the Scouts & Leaders can then use the website to monitor progress

and view everyone's work.

- The Member's Area is password protected and only available to Scouts. It contains video

tutorials and useful links to support Scouts with their badgework.

- The Leader's Area is password protected and only available to Leaders of the Section. They

can use this to communicate their recordings of each member's progression towards the badges.

  • Video Tutorials will come as sets for each badge, all including an overview of the badge, which will explain the badge's requirements, the objectives of our study and break down the Scout's main task to complete for the following Scout Meeting.

  • Links to slideshows, websites and documents will further enable you to self-support your learning.

  • All videos, internal web pages, slideshows and documents have been created by Bucket - use them well and take advantage of this opportunity to earn some badges!

  • There are other pages as well, so explore the site! Ranging from playing chess to lighting fires, this site has created for us to all share our skillsets, interests and activities.

Rules & Regulations

1. Edit your own page only unless explicitly asked otherwise by the administrator of the page.

2. Ensure you save your work at regular intervals.

3. Ensure you have uploaded your badgework for Mondays!

4. I can't dictate fun but try to enjoy it.

19th Prestwich St.A'R Scouts.png



Want to get techy?

Designed on a WYSIWYG Web Editor - What You See Is What You Get, allows you to see what your site will look like before publishing, follows the GUI (Graphical User Interface - WIMP {Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer} - opposite to command line).

~ Charlie T. Backhouse, 2020

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